Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What a Strange Year

I know it is still early in the year, but things have been so busy and so unlike other years, that it feels like we are already half way through it already!
In January we were shocked and sadden to be told that we our good friend Luke Short suddenly passed away at work. Luke and Cathryn have 4 kids the same ages as ours, and we became friends while we were in Independence Ward while were living in Glendale.
Luke was a great example of living the gospel to all he came in contact with. He will be greatly missed by his wonderful family and many, many friends.
In January, I also turned 39!!! I have never had a problem with birthdays, I have young kids and they keep me young, right?!
But 39, that’s basically 40, When did that happen?!!!!! All of a sudden I don’t feel so young anymore and think of myself as an "older" mom.
The week of my birthday, I started getting sick. I had my friends that live in Juarez get me some antibiotics from the Pharmacia (one good thing about living on the border!)
I finished them and wasn’t feeling better. Then Paul got sick and missed a week of work, he went to the Dr of course, and made me go too. By this point, I had been sick a couple of weeks and thought it was probably a good Idea since I was miserable! The Dr said I had severe bronchitis and gave me 5 prescriptions. He was also concerned because my blood pressure was high. I tried to get by with "well I am pretty sick" He didn’t buy it because of my family history, and made me schedule another appointment to check it out again.
Well in the mean time, I had finished all the meds and got more sick! Finally this past Saturday, after a month of coughing, I pulled a muscle in my left side while coughing! Yes, you heard right I pulled a muscle coughing, I thought I broke a rib and it punctured my lungs (not that I have experience at that) but I was in major pain and couldn’t catch my breath. Paul took me to the urgent care. They kinda blew off the fact that I was in pain, because I couldn't breath, and it had been a month that I had been sick! Soooo, 4 hours, 4 shots, a breathing treatment and 5 new prescriptions later, I was sent home. I stayed in bed for the rest of Saturday and all of Sunday.
I felt so Lame, but I was drugged with pain pills and muscle relaxers, who hurts themselves coughing!!!!
I am begining to feel much better and am trying to slow down.
Also during this time, Camden was put in as the Deacon Quorum President and the Sr. Patrol leader for his scout troop. He also was involved with a play at school that was in a district competition and had practice every day after school and homework. The play took 2nd place and he got a really cool medal for his involvement!
Brayden had school and scouts. At school, he was in a math club and had to stay after 2 days a week for that.
Ryleigh was asked to be the Activity Days president for her group of girls at church And had school and homework.
Every one had at least one extra project for school.
And Lainey has preschool 2 times a week and I am supposed to help with that. I wasn’t much help my friend Sharon did most of it since I have been sick.
Lainey also got sick for 3 days and Camden missed one day of school sick and so did Brayden.
So I am not trying to whine, this is just what My life has been like. I am going to the Dr on Friday, and I hope to better by then!
We were also saddened by the loss of our beloved Prophet President Hinckley. He has been the only prophet since our children have been alive. We watched the funeral on BYUTV and talked about the things we had learned from him. I was very proud of the things our children talked about him touching their lives.
We are all ready to learn and grow with President Monson. Lainey has remembered him in her prayers every night since he was announced as Prophet!
Oh yeah, Lainey fell face first in the rocks and looks pretty beat up right now. Poor baby!!!
I do know that I have been very blessed and the Lord has watched over us! We got our tax return about the same time my sickness began, Not what I had planned to spend it on, but what a blessing having the money right there to pay for all the medicines and Dr visits!
I hope my next blog will be more upbeat!!! Thanks to all our friends and family who have been keeping us in their prayers! We Love Ya!


Anne-Marie said...

Hi Ruth!

Great blog! Wow-you've had a rough time! I've had a horrible cough for a few weeks now too. (which presents some major incontinence problems since I'm pregnant). A warm mist humidifier cranked up all night saved my life. Get better, and poor Lainey! We miss you guys & are jealous of that El Paso weather right now. It's so cold out here!

Merrimom said...

I hope you are feeling better and continue to stay healthy once you get there! Being sick is the pits...especially when you are the mommy! Tell everyone hi from us!

khaddock said...

Hey Ruth
I love your Blog!!! I hope you do get well soon. It looks like its been pretty rough and sad. THank God for Blessings!!!

Tiffany -- the mommy said...

Hey I hope that you get to feeling better soon. I always seems that when it rains it pours!!! your a tough cookie andI think that your rain coat is thick enough. your amazing!!